Our Call

Our call at St. Mary’s is to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness — expressed in our ritual life together, and in doing justice for the poor and the oppressed. This is how we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ; the one in whom God the Father becomes known to us in the flesh. The revelation of God made flesh is a gift and a message: all of us are the beloved of God, and called here and now, in these bodies, to be one with the life-giving Spirit of God that seeks to lift high what has been made low.

Through faithful and earnest worship, prayer, and study, we ready our hearts, minds, and souls to receive the wisdom of God as revealed in scripture. A transforming wisdom that gives us newness of life, and a deeper sensitivity of spirit, as we come to see and feel the whole of creation as made in God’s image.

Our faith is rooted in the Ancient church. It is an inheritance that connects us with the witness of prophets, saints, and martyrs throughout Christian history, who believed in the healing and liberating love of Jesus. So, there is a grace of timelessness and a timeless Grace in our faith — the treasures of which keep us grounded and imaginative in an ever changing world.